We strive tirelessly to enhance the different stages of our productive and creative processes so we can take care and help recover the planet we live on
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Sustainability for Portobello means being aware of our actions and the impact of our choices. It means understanding the responsibility that comes with being an integral part of our society and ecosystem.
Conheça no nosso Relatório de Sustentabilidade todas as ações, da cadeia de produção à distribuição, que ajudam a construir um futuro onde todos evoluímos juntos.
Looking after our employees, with respect and dignity.
Ensuring that the natural resources required for production are used rationally.
That the production process is not only socially and environmentally responsible, but also regenerative.
That the communities around us are built into the brand ecosystem.
That the waste we produce is repurposed.
Planet Earth is our home. And, for thousands of years, we have been using its natural resources to build our houses. Now we number over 7 billion. The only future worth imagining is one in which our management of architectural resources is smart, optimized and sustainable.
Ceramic tiles replace non-renewable resources in a manner that is much more logical, technically and environmentallywise. In the case of Portobello, they are exceptionally sustainable.
We worry about the way mineral deposits are explored and restored, about where the water we use comes from, about repurposing waste, about creating a positive impact for our communities. In our design process, architecture knows no bounds. In 2020, we distributed over 36 million square meters of sustainably-sourced tile coverings in Brazil and around the globe. On the following pages, we will show how we are working on creating the future we want.
The evolution of design and technology allows porcelain Slabs to emulate materials such as wood, marble and other natural stones, with technical characteristics more suitable for use as tiles and with less environmental impact
A matéria-prima da cerâmica é a própria terra, retirada de camadas não profundas e, em sua maioria, de áreas próximas à indústria.
Know the entire processA fluidez da água e a força mecânica dos moinhos transforma a argila em um pó finíssimo.
Know the entire processOs processos térmicos são essenciais para a indústria cerâmica. Assim, a Portobello optou por utilizar uma matriz mais limpa, que causa menos impacto ambiental.
Know the entire processO gás natural é o principal componente da matriz energética da Portobello, respondendo por quase 90% do consumo total do grupo.
Know the entire processA Portobello tem um eficiente sistema de reaproveitamento dos resíduos do processo produtivo que garante o reuso de 100% de tudo o que é gerado.
Know the entire processWe strive tirelessly to enhance the different stages of our productive and creative processes so we can take care and help recover the planet we live on
DiscoverWe value the people from our communities and believe in their ability to evolve and change the world for the better
DiscoverPositive financial indicators, customer satisfaction and commitment from all stakeholders ensure the sustainability of our business
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