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Bank Slip / boleto (Brazilian payment system) Duplicate issuance
Support Service CenterThe service offered by Portobello to issue a Duplicate of Boletos (Brazilian payment system) is exclusively for Builders, Portobello Shop and Resale customers.
Deadlines to view the Boletos:
- Slips copies for anticipated or down payment in a lump sum, will be available within 2 working days right after the order release at Portobello;
- Boletos with deadline under 25 days, will be available within 3 to 6 working days after the invoice issue´s date;
- Other boletos will be available in up to 25 days before the due date.
CLICK HERE to access the Portal.
When accessing the new portal to get the Boleto (Brazilian payment system), it is necessary to select the folder Payer and inform your Company Number.

In the first access you will be asked to provide your contact information. This will be requested every time you login until you have completed the form.

Para dúvidas/suporte entre em contato com nosso time através do e-mail cobranca@portobello.com.br.